
Come join the SSAGO Web Team at the Web Hack Weekend for a mix of working on the website and SSAGO technology, along with games, socialising and nice food!

Do you enjoy coding and development and want to help with the SSAGO website? If so, we will be having a Web Hack Weekend this Summer to give anyone who is interested a chance to learn how the SSAGO website works, to work through some of the todo list, to develop on the front-end and back-end of the website, play with the potential SSAGO mobile app, explore other technology we can make use of and complete a myriad of exciting SSAGO technology and web projects!

We are looking for people with interests in some/all of the following:

  • Frontend: Website Design, Layout and Template
  • Backend: Functionality, Databases, Server-side Processing
  • Infrastructure: VMs, Cloud, Emails, Phone Systems, Google Integration
  • Mobile: Android/iOS SSAGO App Development
  • Other Technologies: Discord, Bots, Virtual Events/Activities

We also make it a fun weekend with plenty of outdoor games, board games, nice food and general silliness! Some degree of programming experience and web experience is necessary (it's a complex system, I can't lie!), but if you are willing to learn and come along, you don't need to be an expert! Enthusiasm is the most important ingredient

The plan is for the event to take place during November 2022-February 2023 - we are currently collecting interest and availability

Interested? Just sign up below!

Who's Hacking?

Aberystwyth Student Scout and Guide Organisation (1)

  • Aaron (successfully ran Sports Day Rally!)

Durham University Scout and Guide Group (1)

  • Ben

Independent Members (1)

  • Emily

Sheffield StinGS (1)

  • Stephen

Southampton SSAGO (2)

  • Alex
  • Nicholas

Swansea University Guides and Scouts (1)

  • Harvey

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.